I hate feeling sick because I don't feel like myself. I like being energetic, doing things, being productive and this week I haven't felt like that at all. I have two sixteen hour days looming upon me and I'm going to do my best to stay positive. So I had a shitty week? It happens right? Normally I would feel depressed about this but I know next week will better right? I read a quote once that said 'every twenty four hours offers new possibility" I'm trying to keep that in mind.
Watching Never Been Kissed. I've seen this movie a gazillion times but so what? Sometimes it feels good to watch something I've seen, something I can predict. It's weird because in this movie Josie is 25 and now I'm 24. I remember first watching this movie when I was around 17..Of course now I'm watching it with a glass of wine. I'm still the same person though in so many respects.
On a totally unrelated note I was talking to my brother about signs of success as a professional. One of mine is an office. I want an office with my name on it. Okay, it doesn't have to have my name on it, but I do want an office. Some place I can decorate and see clients in and well some place that is mine. A place I can have a desk and a sense of security..A place outside of my home that is mine. yeah an office to say, Here I am world, here is where I work..
My goals for the weekend are to be more positive and to yell less. Very hard to do when working with kids with behavioral problems...

Here's a pic of me from last summer at Bonaroo (which totally sucked ass)

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