Wow, so I haven't posted anything in this blog in a realllllyyy long time. I have a hard time keeping up with blogs. I always want to write and share thoughts but then I always end up feeling it's not as authentic as a paper journal. I'm going to try again though. It's so weird how much has changed since I first started this blog..I look back at the pictures of me I posted on here and I look so little, so young.
I was watching a show tonight and some old friends saw each other after a while and one told the other how she looked exactly the same, that she hadn't changed a bit. I guess I don't want that to be me. I'm okay with the idea of changing, even changing myself. I accept that I won't always be the same person I once was. At first that idea was scary, but the more I think about it, the more this idea makes sense. Why would I want to be the same person my whole life? Wouldn't that mean that I am not evolving, not growing as a person? I agree that sometimes it seems like people sell out and change everything about who they once were, but on a different note maybe people just learn more and in turn, become different people. Is there really anything wrong with this? Or do we selfishly want people to stay the same so we can along with them?
I want to evolve, grow, learn, move forward. I'm not the same person I was when I was 18, 19, or even 23. I've learned a lot since then, been through a bunch more shit, and have been lucky to experience different thoughts, different perspectives. In turn I am a different person, older yes, hopefully more wiser to. I want to always be moving forward and to be fearless enough to always be okay with this.

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