Feedback on the latest issue, issue 6 of Pulse Zine:
It's awesome! Curves and love handles are the best. I saw the Vagina Monologues last year and it was awesome. I dig the story about cutting your hair short, because at the end you say you don't
care what anyone thinks about your hair but you. No matter what I do, I can initally like something, but start to think about what other people might say.
I got your zine the other day! -- I really enjoyed reading it it was really intense i mean you definitely have a way with words to get your message across with such power -- I really enjoy how you advocate certain issues and put things out there - it is refreshing to read about things that matter and that people are taking a stand on issues.
i got issue 6 a couple days ago and i just have to say that it was amazing! i really enjoyed this new installment and all i can say is keep up the good work. its nice to see how far youve come and to see how well youve been able to keep momentum.
i really enjoyed the newest pulse! i wanted to thank you for sharing your story and let you know that i think you're so brave and amazing! i can't wait to read future issues, keep up the amazing work!
thanks so much for issue #6 of Pulse! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about how you feel about your body and how you accept yourself as you are! I hope more young women will follow in this path. My favourite quote from your zine was, "I love my ass.
1 comment:
Ok, for one, I'm sending you my address so you can send me your zines. For another, I've seen you naked & I like your ass as well.
On a personal note, I hate my post baby body. It's disgusting & I'm working hard to change that. I am changing for personal reasons, not for anyone else. When I see all that cellulite, it makes me feel unhealthy. I feel weighed down with unneccisary fat. I feel like I can't move as good as I want to. I'm trying my best to only eat raw foods, instead of the shit that I normally eat. I am, however, addicted to chocolate & must have it at all costs. I've been working out every night. My body changes pretty fast & that makes me happy. So long live good health, damn it, it works for me!
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